Since 1987, the first magician developing approach has open by a college association. There are four main associations in Northern Taiwan in 2000.To date, there are more than 50 associations among high school and college around Taiwan, and the population of learning magic has an aggressive expansion. However, as those people leave university, they gradually leave the magic society. In order to end this problem and to integrate domain resources, a group of young men who love magic create TMA: Taiwan Magic Association. With TMA’s existence, Taiwan magicians now are able to connect the world magic society.

TMA rose in 2003, hold the year one magic convention in 2004 which is brand new milestone in Taiwan magic society. From that spot, the magic population started to grow with TMA. Later on, for the sake of building a world-class platform, TMA presented magic seminars and invited abroad magic masters. In 2008, for the first time, TMA expand the session into two days and enlarge the contest scale which brings multiple and high-quality entertainment. From that point on, TMA begins it era of 2.0.

TMA members come from the senior group of every college magic associations, or the social elite of magic. The entire Taiwan magic society has great relationship and mutual trust, which is the precious legacy, derives from everyone’s persisting hard work. Therefore, the spirit of TMA is repaying the mass. In future, TMA will keep on striving for everyone in Taiwan magic society, and hope this precious legacy could be cherished by everyone.

Copyright © Since 2003. Taiwan Magic Development Association.
All rights reserved.

Illustrator and Website: Chipin Huang
